Inspired by the big day tomorrow, we realized that a presidential election is a great time for map lovers. If you watch the news on Election Night you are bound to see a map similar to the one posted below about every 5 minutes. The morning after the election you will undoubtedly see a similar map in every newspaper around the country. But why are maps so popular???
We believe the reason people relate so well to maps is because they have fond memories at places shown on them. It sounds simple, but maps represent real places and real experiences for people. This is true whether you are looking at a map of the United States or at a Canvas Lake Map hanging in your cabin. We have grown to understand that when you purchase one of our maps, you are not just purchasing something to look nice on your wall. We have seen it countless times through our customers reactions how our maps represent a place that is very special and close to their hearts. This is what makes what we do so rewarding and also why we work so hard at getting each map just right!
Thank you for reading this and please remember to get out and vote!
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