As I am sure it has for most of you, our spring and summer has flown by so far. We are on pace for our biggest year yet and combined with the fact that baby #2 is due any day now makes things especially busy. But thankfully we have been able to find time to make it to the lake nearly ever other weekend (up to this point) but that will surely change as soon as “junior” arrives this month! Here are some of the highlights of the year so far:
- We participated in the 2014 Lake Home and Cabin Show in February at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The show was 3 days long and we were blown away with the response to our maps. Not only did we meet so many wonderful people but we sold maps at a rate of 1 per hour and walked away with a list of over 200 customers who were interested in a map of their lake that we hadn’t made yet!
- We were honored to donate a map to Ella’s Halo for their silent auction in April at their annual Bowling for Babies event. The map was sold to a lucky bidder and we were happy to help raise some money for a truly great cause!
- We spent a week up at Lake Vermilion with our family for the 4th of July and we were blessed with great weather. The fish were not biting, but atleast everyone walked away with all of their fingers after shooting off fireworks.
- We have been very busy all year keeping our retailers stocked with maps, for whatever reason a few of our stores have been selling maps like crazy!
- We were able to add some helpful pages to our website, such as the Completed Maps Listing, and we have lots of other ideas coming in the near future as well.
- We have also been in negotiations to help our business take the next step and create a large capacity… more on this down the road a bit, but we are very excited about the possibilities!
- I was able to take my 2 year old daughter on her first jetski ride and now she cannot get enough!
- Lastly, as we patiently wait for our second child to be born, we must say thank you not only to our friends and customers, but to God for blessing us with our family, our health, and with the skills and abilities to create a product that people love so much! We have been given much more than we deserve and are truly grateful for this life!
- That’s all for now… thanks again to everyone for making this a great start to 2014!