Meet Dave, my father-in-law and the Chief Operating Officer here at Blueprint Maps. Although his title may be somewhat over-the-top, his contributions to the business are truly huge. After a map gets printed it needs to be hand-framed and gallery wrapped. With Daves help, we custom make all the wood stretchers and frame each map by hand to ensure the highest level of quality. The framing process is most efficient as a two-man job and each map can take anywhere from 30-45 mintutes (not including set up and cleaning). The printed images of the lakes only look thier best if the gallery wrapping is done correctly and Dave has an amazing attention to detail to make sure all the steps are done right. Thank you so much Dave for all your help with the maps and for the many hours of working along side me. We would not be where we are at without your help (and tools)!

Dave at the table saw making wood stretchers